Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to Painting

I just had a one day reprieve from the painting. Sunday I got a lot more of the roof done and some green. Yesterday I finished the first coat on the rest of the roof and did a first coat on the walls around the deck. I ran out of paint in my bucket about the time I ran out of steam so as you can see on the left I only made it to the window. I figure the left side of that window will get done later when Larry is around because the down spout needs to be gone for me to get that part done anyway. I am liking the color more and more (a good thing) and am excited to get more done - even if it exhausts me each day!

I now have both my minis for August done and the center block for the SFRR2. They will all go in the mail sometime this week. I have been working on Ludvina's Legacy as I watch the Olympics - and other things - and I am now putting together the fourth strip for the outside edge. I should finish that today and be able to start putting them on! WooHoo! Then that will be put away for awhile so I can get some other things finished.

You should be proud of me - I was invited to join another swap group today - and I declined! I know it is a shock since I have been quite the little joiner of late but I think I am at my max right now! I do need to finish some other things too!

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