Wednesday, December 1, 2010

2 Blocks and 1 Finish

I received these two blocks this last week from QBE over on Flickr. This is a fun group with month-to-month commitments to make up to 4 blocks for others and then receiving up to 4 blocks from 4 other quilters. If anyone is interested in joining us, just head on over and you can play too. I just finished posting the participants for December but sign-ups for January will start right around Christmas.

Well, due to circumstances beyond my control (customer phone calls for our Appliance Repair business) I only got one of those quilts quilted on Monday. I started on the second but had tension issues (the machine, not me!) so I decided to start fresh on Tuesday! The quilting machine worked like a charm yesterday so I had two quilts waiting for the hand-sewing on the binding. Last night at craft night I got this quilt finished off except for a label

so I will be able to get it to my son's girlfriend in time for her to take it to her mom when she goes home to Korea in January. I got about halfway around the second quilt so hopefully I can post a picture tomorrow or even later today!

Yesterday my first quilting customer came by with her two quilts and I got them both sandwiched so I might be able to get one of them quilted today. Not sure on that since I have several things I have to do away from home today too.

My new book arrived at the post office yesterday but I didn't pick up the mail until after it was closed so I will have to run down today. It is just as well since my customer needs her quilts back in a timely manner and I would be tempted to work on the three quilts instead of quilting!

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