Friday, December 3, 2010

Am I An Over-achiever?

I am starting to worry about me! I have just been very motivated the last few weeks and am taking advantage of that cuz, Lord knows, it probably won't last!!!

Let's see, I got this quilt binding finished. Really happy with how it turned out. I think I will toss it in the washer with a couple of others to get them crinkled up.

I also finished the second of the quilts for my customer.
She came and picked them up today and seemed happy with what I did. She said she has lots of quilts so there may be more coming my way.

I got this top put together. It is the first of the three I decided to do over Thanksgiving. I was so excited to have it this far and got started on embroidering faces in the squares when I figured out that I put it together wrong!
So I ripped that top row off and will sew it back on to the bottom of the lower section. All in all, not a tragedy but a little disappointing! I do have about half of the noses and mouths embroidered (the eyes will be white buttons) and hope to finish those up this evening.

I started on the second of the three yesterday and finished the top up this evening. I am very happy with that one too and can't wait for Christmas! I can't post pictures of that one though until after it is received by its new owner. I hope to start on the third top tomorrow and maybe have it finished over the weekend!?!? Then I can get the quilting done on those and move on to quilting the quilt for my friend that is due on January 4. I am also thinking about a few other Christmas projects but first I must finish these other three.

Okay! It is official! I am going crazy!

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