In the last three weeks I finished up that quilt, finished getting all the business information (checks, invoices and parts) into QuickBooks so the taxes can get taken care of and also made 4 blocks for the January Quilt Block Exchange...

...I also got my blocks in the mail for both of my Quilt Block Round Robins. The first one is with my sister and two nieces and 8 other quilting friends in Washington, Idaho, Montana and Minnesota. I made a batik house which I posted here. Each person in the group will be making their own little batik house.
The other is the group that I organized over on Flickr. I struggled for a while with the decision of what block to make. I wanted something that could be scrappy and finally chose this one...

The block is called Sunny Lanes and should be fun to put together when I get all the blocks in a year or so.