My posts here seem to be fewer and further between all the time! Partly because my sewing has been in spits and spurts and partly due to company, travel and other commitments.
Since my last post I did make a decision and finished the quilting and binding on the Lady of the Lake quilt:

I ended up just quilting down the middle of the flying geese and it turned out great. I also got a label on it right away (something that doesn't always happen with quilts I keep)

At the same time I got the label on Ludvina's Legacy which included a picture of my Aunt Lou (Ludvina) from the 60's. She was heading to work at the diner on or around Mother's Day wearing her first orchid corsage.

I finished getting the labels on the quilts as I was out galavanting. Last weekend was Mom's Weekend at WSU where my son is a sophomore so I spent a good bit of time with him and since my daughter, SIL and grandkids live only about 20 miles away I slept at their house and got a pretty good visit with them.
Then, since I was only a couple of hours away I headed up to my sister's to help her celebrate her birthday on Monday. Unfortunately, it took about 5 hours to get from WSU to my sister's due to a flat tire on my husband's Suburban. Now, I can change a tire but this tire didn't want to come off the car so it took a little extra time! While the tire was fixed on Monday my sister and I hung out at the local antique mall and I bought her a wrought iron plant stand for her African Violets (my husband gets to sandblast and paint it for her) and I found a cute little glass lamp to use in our newly rearranged living room. Then we had a nice lunch and she headed back to work and I got the newly repaired tire put on the car.
When I was finally back home we got word that hubby's sister's husband passed away suddenly so we will be heading down to Colorado later this coming week for the service and to spend some time with my SIL.