At least the wall painting. There will be a good bit of trim to do yet but first the trim needs to be purchased and cut. There are also two doors, one of which is a special order so we won't have it for a couple of weeks. Today I 'get' to scrub the tub/enclosure and the floor. Then either this evening or tomorrow we will start putting things back in.
Yesterday evening Hubby and I went shopping for accessories for the bathroom. We got the toilet paper holder, towel holder, shower curtain bar, hooks for on the door, light switches and outlets and their respective covers, and various other things. We also bought one of the doors and ordered the other.
The other night as I was working on falling asleep I had an epiphany. I was thinking about the bathroom (as if there is something else to think about around here right now) and I realized I could have the perfect fabrics to make a shower curtain. The batiks my 2nd daughter brought me from Alaska for my birthday a couple of years ago. The next day I pulled them out of their hiding place along with the other batiks I bought to go with them and held them against the new paint and it works! Here are the fabrics I have.

So then it was down to what pattern to use. I have been looking for the right pattern as it needs to have some bigger squares to highlight the salmon on the two fabrics from my daughter. Anyway, I went to my quilt guild meeting on Wednesday evening and for the first time ever, I won a door prize. It was Atkinson Designs Slide Show pattern. The large squares are cut 8" which should be great for the salmon. I drew out the pattern on the computer last night and colored it in as well as I could using the colors available.
I think it is going to work out well. I do need to get a fabric to use for the background and border. I think the background might be a kind of medium batik and I might get a couple more batiks to add in there. Darn, I guess I have to go shopping!
Anyway, as I said, I need to do some scrubbing so I guess I had better get busy!