Friday, April 4, 2008

sunny day

The sun was out yesterday so apple tree pruning was the first order of the day. I did one whole tree and parts of two others. One more day of sun and I should have them finished. Most of what is left needs the ladder. I also got a couple of loaves of bread made and a little work on my Doll Quilt Swap offering. Can you tell where I am going with this? I also got some more strips of 1.5" squares put together while I watched TV to rest my weary body!


Rosalyn Manesse said...

I used to prune our peach trees every year, plus the other fruit trees we had at our old house, where we lived for 30 years. What a job! And I made bread, too. Finally one day my kids asked me,"Mom, why can't we eat bread from the store?"

Anonymous said...

My favorite spring chore is pruning our many trees and shrubs. Jake (my dog) loves to help.

I think your doll quilt is going to feature flowers in the center. That's my guess. Can't wait to see if I'm right or wrong.

Not Lucy said...

roz - My kids did the same thing but now that they are older they all prefer homemade bread so I am doing it again. When I was a kid, I remember just wishing for store bought bread but my mom always baked our own bread unless it was a really amazing sale.

marie - Lucy (my poodle) comes out to help with the yard work but mostly because she wants to try to go to the neighbor's field to roll in horse poo so she has to be tied to a long rope when we are outside her fenced yard!