I haven't really gotten much sewing done this week so I thought I would take up Laura's challenge and answer the following questions:What style of quilt piecing do you lean towards?I do almost anything, depends on my mood. I enjoy some hand-applique but I don't really like doing machine applique. I enjoy both hand and machine piecing. I have grown to like (I think love is still too strong a word) foundation paper piecing but find that English paper piecing is too much prep work. I do love a good wonky crazy quilt block to use up small scraps.Who are your favorite fabric designers?I really couldn't tell you. I don't pay attention to the names most of the time. I prefer a good scrappy quilt and seldom buy a whole line of fabrics to make one quilt.
How do you quilt your quilts?
I have been known to tie, hand quilt, machine quilt or send it off to my long-arming friend for the quilting.
Who do you make your quilts for?
My husband, kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, sister, brothers, SIL, BIL, friends, swap partners, various charities, and sometimes, I keep one or two for myself.
Can you list how many projects are you working on right now?
Are you kidding? There are always several going at once. I have a t-shirt quilt that needs quilting, a baby quilt, a wedding quilt, several swaps, a birthday quilt for me, a scrap quilt or two, a crazy quilt, several gifts. I just work on whatever seems most pressing at the time!
What are your quilty plans for 2009?
See previous answer and probably 20 or so other projects! Oh, and a quilt show in March that I am putting together with a friend.
All right-y then, now it is your turn!