Saturday, May 16, 2009

CW Update

I got a lot done outside yesterday. My little plants are either in pot or the ground and the deck is cleaned off for summer dinners and 'beverages'.

Today I also mostly worked outside because it is just so lovely out! I cleaned out our bike shed so the grandkid's riding toys have a home. I also cleaned up an old wringer washer and hubby got it put together and it is ready for a plant - I just don't have something to plant in it so I will have to shop tomorrow - how sad! I also got some mowing done. I also planted some beets, swiss chard and kohl rabi in the raised bed that was empty since the lettuce didn't sprout.

Since I finished the hand quilting on that row by row quilt I have been working on my Cathedral Window Quilt. I have made quite a bit of progress in the last couple weeks. I have used up all the yellows I had and once I get some more squares added on I will start in on the ones from my sister and Amy. I hope to use up all the blue I have soon and then I will either change to another color for the background or I will find more of this navy or something close.

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