My sister, my BIL, my niece and her friend and their dog arrived followed a little later by our daughter and two grandkids so when you add in hubby, me and our other daughter we had 10 here for dinner and overnight. The next morning my sister's oldest daughter arrived and in the afternoon my brother's son and daughter came for dinner and birthday celebration. During the course of Saturday I baked a no sugar carrot cake, a devil's food cake and a yellow cake. The carrot cake got a simple no sugar cream cheese frosting and the other two got decorated. You can see them here and here and here.
Also on Saturday and Sunday, hubby and BIL made considerable progress on our daughter's little house while she was at work:

Ou grandson was very busy working on the project also.

Can't forget a picture of the baby!

Sunday afternoon my sister, niece and I whipped up a denim quilt top and this week I hope to get at least two quilt quilted and bound! That might be a bit ambitious considering I have my 3 1/2" year old grandson here for the week! If you want to see more pictures of our weekend you can find them here and here.