Since I decided I was done with the painting for this year I got started on my QBE blocks for September yesterday and finished those off today so they can get in the mail. They are all 12.5" blocks except the one on the far right. It is 9.5". I have received 3 of my blocks for September and I will post pictures when they are all here. You would have been amazed (or maybe not) at the mess I created making 5 little blocks!

Once the sewing room was cleaned up again I decided to work on basting again. I had enough pins to get two quilts basted. Both are Christmas quilts - one is my border round robin top and the other the grandmother's flower garden top.
Tomorrow we head to the other side of the state to baby-sit the grandkids and on Sunday we will be bringing the oldest back with us so I hope I am not too optimistic in thinking I can get those two quilt finished off this next week. Only time will tell!