I was going to go out and prune some more today since the weather was nice again but I just couldn't talk myself into it. I did finish putting together the main portion of the top. As you can see from the picture, Lucy made sure she spent a little time on it while it was on the bed.

The blocks were given to me by a neighbor who had gotten an antique, or at least very old, Dresden Plate quilt somewhere. The muslin that the plates were appliquéd to was very worn so she cut them all out and had started to reapplique them onto new muslin squares. She decided she just wasn't going to finish them so she gave them to me. I had them for a couple of years before I got around to finishing the reapplique process. Then I cut them all to one size and last fall found the sashing fabrics at Fabric Depot. A couple of days ago I looked at them and realized that it really wouldn't take too long to whip up the quilt top so I got started. It didn't take

too long. I had it halfway together yesterday and finished today. I have decided to add another border with a little strip between the quilt and the border of the darker blue and also bind it with the darker blue. Here is a picture of my test of that:
I have the borders cut out but I am kind of tired so I don't think I want to start measuring and sewing them tonight. I think it will end up close to queen size. Probably will never be used on a bed other than as a bedspread on a guest bed due to the fragility of the fabrics in the Dresden Plates. I did have to replace a few of the spokes because they were just falling apart. I was able to find some old fabrics in my stash that were close in age so they aren't even noticeable. Once I have it hand quilted I think I will wash it carefully as some of the blocks look really dirty and it will also make the new fabric used for the sashing, border and back look a little older. I will post a picture when I have the borders done and then again someday when I have it quilted. For now it will just have to take its place in the quilting queue.
Becca is finishing up her packing and storing as she prepares to leave tomorrow. If you want to find out more about her adventure click on the link to her bike blog on the right side of my page.