Becca and I went shopping for back and binding fabric for her round robin quilt. We were looking around the store for a green fabric that would work. The chick at the store thought she needed to help us , not that we asked for it, and she did not realize she did not have the necessary skills to help us. We knew what the parameters were for the fabric and we had dismissed a number of green fabrics that just were not right and she followed behind us asking if we had seen this one or that one. AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!! We did find one we liked for the back and then one for the binding. They wouldn't be what most would choose probably but this is for Becca so that pretty much rules out what most people would pick. We have the fabric home and it is being prewashed as I type and maybe we will have it ready to send off for quilting this evening even.
I got to stay home today and when I ran down to the post office I realized that it was just too nice outside to just do things in the house. When I got home I did some cleaning up in the flower beds. Great improvement. I need to pay attention to the weather and get out and get yard cleanup and pruning done when I can. Right now when my body is reminding me that I haven't done work like that for a long time that seems a little crazy, but give it a couple of days and I will have forgotten the sore muscles.
Yes, I stayed home today but the pages were coming in all day so Larry called to say that we have lots of calls for tomorrow and we are leaving early. Shoot! Oh well, I guess I do like to have money to spend so I shant complain.
did Bruce appreciate my border?
I have not shown it to him but I will make sure we do that soon. I am sure he will be impressed!
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