Saturday, June 19, 2010

6 Pillows - Check, Slippers - Check

A couple more projects crossed off my list. First, the pillows for my friend. I am pretty happy with how they turned out. I can't wait to see them on the window seat tomorrow. If I remember my camera I will share a picture tomorrow or Monday.

I also got leather bottoms put on my favorite slippers. My daughter knit and felted these for me for Christmas this past year. They have double bottoms but after less than 6 months I had worn a hole through one layer. I wear these almost all the time in the house because I don't like wearing shoes and my podiatrist said I should always wear something as a cushion for the bottoms of my feet. My sister and I saw these leather bottoms at a yarn shop when we were out antiquing for her birthday in April so I had her pick up a pair for me. Today I finally took the time to sew them on. Luckily, my daughter's bag of yarn is still here so I could use matching yarn. Hopefully this will help these last until next Christmas when I expect another pair under the tree! Take note Rebecca!

Now because it is raining again here I get to spend the rest of the day working on my granddaughter's big girl quilt. I have less than a week to have it finished so it will be ready for her birthday.

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