I know, I should really be in bed but I was having trouble going to sleep - too much thinking going on! So instead I came to my sewing room to finish up a couple of things. But first, an recap of my day in the sewing room:

I had the first wall quilt top put together by 9 this morning and the second by 10. I think I will still add a black border on them just to frame them. That will be decided tomorrow or Friday since tomorrow may be a bit hectic. This afternoon I managed to get both of the doll quilts quilted.
I mentioned the Cathedral Window quilt that I sort of started several years ago in a previous blog. The other day after seeing a CW quilt on Flickr I decided I needed to do a little work on that. After much thought, I decided the best thing to do was rip out the little I had already done and start over. I think I will go totally hand sewn for this one. I was almost done with the ripping when I went to bed so the first thing I worked on when I got back up was that. I finished the frog stitch and got the squares repressed, ready to go soon.
After that I got the bindings on the two doll quilts - scrappy from leftover bindings from earlier projects. Now I have some hand work to do while at the doctor's office with my son on Friday.
I may try to get the borders on the wall quilts before my brother arrives next week but that might just wait until after I am home from my quilt retreat - or maybe I will take them along and get those borders on there!
Well, I think I will now be able to sleep. Good night or good morning!