It has been a crazy couple of weeks and I am ready to get back to 'normal'. My time away was great, don't get me wrong. I do love my kids and grandkids and enjoyed being with them but I do love my regular life!
I came back to a garden full of weeds, flowerbeds with lots of dead flowers to remove and a few weeds and lots of sewing room projects that need finishing.
On Saturday I managed to get my beans weeded so we can get the poles in place this week. My sister and niece (with a little help from me) finished sorting what was left of my parents' things that have been stored in my attic for over 5 years into piles for the children and grandchildren. They took things home with them and we were able to deliver some to my brother's kids at the wedding yesterday but I will still have to ship some things in the next few weeks or so to my daughter in Alaska and my brother and his daughter out east. It is great to get all of this stuff out of my attic!
Speaking of the wedding, here is a picture of our niece, Sarah, and her new husband, Eric, with the quilt my sister and I made for them. They were very excited about the quilt.

It was a beautiful outdoor wedding and they had a lovely day for it down in Vancouver, WA. The day was bittersweet since my brother did not live to walk his daughter down the aisle (path?) but her little(?) brother stepped in and did a great job. It was good to catch up on news with the family. The groom is a chef so some friends of his did the food and it was wonderful.
Since we were in the area yesterday, we made a quick stop at Fabric Depot to pick up some items from the wholesale department and see if any fabric spoke to us (doesn't it always?). I got home around 10 and went straight to bed! I was pooped!
Today I need to get outside and get some garden work done, maybe some primering on the house will get done and I really need to get the labeling done on my 4 swap projects and get them to the post office. If I get that much done I will be happy!