Today I have several errands to do so not sure I will get much more done but one never knows. I will have to get my laundry folded before I can be allowed to have fun though!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Back to regular life
Today I have several errands to do so not sure I will get much more done but one never knows. I will have to get my laundry folded before I can be allowed to have fun though!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
What a weekend!

We got home around 7 and by 9:30 we were all in bed - pooped!
Saturday morning was again beautiful so we headed out again. This time thinking we would look at a few antique shops and find a beach somewhere.

As you can see we found the beach over at Twanoh State Park. The boy first got his feet wet, then he ended up laying face down in the water, playing with the rocks. We stripped off his shirt and once he got over being shirtless he enjoyed the beach. Before going back in the car he was stripped down and redressed in a dry diaper and a shirt. At our next stop - a thrift store, his mom found a pair of pants for him - thank goodness he is a skinny boy! We stopped at a couple more shops and at the last one hubby found a sewing machine he just couldn't resist. It is a model 66 from 1941 in a cabinet. The cabinet is actually the same as the one for my mother's 301 but does have a locking drawer. I also found a cute lamp to hang over the head of the iron bed frame that got painted this summer.
We got home early enough yesterday to see the mountain (Mt. Rainier, for all you who have never been here) glowing in the sunset and then have a wonderful grilled salmon dinner.
Today we had to leave at about 9:30 to get to the airport and the kids left at the same time. They should have had a wonderful view of the mountain as they took off from Sea-Tac. Hubby and I got home and within about half an hour I had everything pretty well cleaned up and the first load of laundry in the washer!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Getting Ready
So far in my quest to have a house that won't embarrass me for company I have not gotten too far. Yesterday I canned the beans I picked on Sunday and I did get my computer room tidied a bit. The shelves now have toys and books where the grandson can get at them but other things are put higher!.
Today the dog goes to the groomer and I hope to get a good start on the sewing room so tomorrow I can do some baking. Unfortunately that includes ironing!
I am getting close with the SIL quilt. I just have three more sides of the border - very simple pattern that goes fast - that have to be done. If I get the two smaller inner borders done too that will be gravy and not necessary.
Today the dog goes to the groomer and I hope to get a good start on the sewing room so tomorrow I can do some baking. Unfortunately that includes ironing!
I am getting close with the SIL quilt. I just have three more sides of the border - very simple pattern that goes fast - that have to be done. If I get the two smaller inner borders done too that will be gravy and not necessary.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A day of rest
Sort of, I still had to answer calls for the business but I decided this was a day for me to do what I wanted instead of something I had to do.
I finished off my next SFRR2 task. It turned out really well. Don't mind the little threads in the picture - why is it you never see them until you take a picture - they are gone now!
Last night at craft night Linnea gave Nadine her finished birthday present (she gave her the top a couple of months ago on her birthday but finished the quilting and binding Monday) and gave me the leftover triangles (sewn together into squares) from the project. She made another quilt from this pattern a year or so ago in blue and white and gave me the leftovers from that and I made this little quilt.
Each of the little sampler blocks is only a little over 2" square and the whole quilt is about 25" square. So after I finished the SFRR2 task I decided I would at least press the little squares open ready for trimming. I think I will be making a mini quilt for Nadine using them. Not sure how it will be put together but I am sure it will be lovely! That might be one of my quilt retreat projects for next month.
I finished off the day with hand quilting in front of the TV. I got quite a ways further on the quilt and it now feels doable to have it done for next Thursday!
Monday my daughter called to tell me she had been in a car accident with the kids. Luckily, only the car was hurt and my babies are fine - all three of them! She also said she was thinking about coming over next weekend so she can see her aunt and uncle while they are visiting. That means we will have a full house but it will be lots of fun and I get to show off my grandbabies! Always a bonus!

I finished off the day with hand quilting in front of the TV. I got quite a ways further on the quilt and it now feels doable to have it done for next Thursday!
Monday my daughter called to tell me she had been in a car accident with the kids. Luckily, only the car was hurt and my babies are fine - all three of them! She also said she was thinking about coming over next weekend so she can see her aunt and uncle while they are visiting. That means we will have a full house but it will be lots of fun and I get to show off my grandbabies! Always a bonus!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Windows to my world
Today I finished up another big project. Yesterday and today I scraped and 'Goof-Off-ed' all the window frames and washed them on the outside. Then I also cleaned all the windows and door windows inside and out. I also cleaned all the screen frames and they are back in place. I must admit that while I do not feel that clean windows are a must - they do look nice! Now I can focus a bit more inside the house and that is another big project! In just 9 days this house, especially the sewing room/guest room, needs to look decent inside. Yikes! I am not out to impress - just not be too embarrassed!
Sunday I pressed all the fabric that I got prewashed a week or so ago. Most of it was the garage sale fabric I got in Pullman and the rest was for SFRR2 projects and a baby carrier.
I have made progress on the hand quilting and I have even designed the first border for my next SFRR2 project. Now I just need to get it finished and in the mail this week. I might just run in and do it now so I can mark it off my list!
Sunday I pressed all the fabric that I got prewashed a week or so ago. Most of it was the garage sale fabric I got in Pullman and the rest was for SFRR2 projects and a baby carrier.
I have made progress on the hand quilting and I have even designed the first border for my next SFRR2 project. Now I just need to get it finished and in the mail this week. I might just run in and do it now so I can mark it off my list!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I went back over my posts since I started painting and that is the guestimate of how much time I spent painting the house! It could be a little more and it could be a little less but that is like more than 3 forty-hour work weeks! WOW! It seemed like it took forever but I thought that was mostly because of rain delays and traveling but evidently it was also a lot of time! I guess I really do deserve that massage!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
It is finished!
Okay, I actually have to do the trim around the screen door on the back of the house - somehow I totally spaced that when I was finishing up the trim this morning - and I even had extra time before my pedicure appointment so I could have done it! I figured it out when I was going around touching up the green this afternoon so now it will wait for tomorrow. On Monday the gutter people are coming to measure things and hopefully it will be all done in a week or so.
In celebration, I plan to spend tomorrow in my sewing room playing!
In celebration, I plan to spend tomorrow in my sewing room playing!
Friday, September 12, 2008
My daughter, son-in-law and grandkids are visiting his folks this weekend so as they are out of cell phone range and only have slow dial-up at his parents house, we just won't really hear from them until Sunday evening or Monday. So, I decided to post a couple of pictures of them to keep a smile on my face.
This first one is my little granddaughter, Clara. She is now nine weeks old and just too adorable (in my opinion)! She is shown here modeling her new sweater, knit by her mother! Now, you might not be amazed by this but let me explain that my daughter was not really the domestic type until just recently. She did learn how to sew, knit and crochet as a child but she just wasn't interested. Give her a book (or a pile of books) and she was happy as a clam. She recently figured out that she was reading Tolkien sometime around 3rd grade! Now she is making quilts, baby carriers, clothes for the kids and knitting - from a pattern, no less! She still reads like crazy too, when she gets a chance!
Our next model is sporting his new buzz haircut and climbing on farm equipment - his favorite type of jungle gym! This shot was taken at the county fair last week. In another shot you can see the ferris wheel and other rides in the background but he is happiest right where he is! He is just 4 months from his 3rd birthday but is hoping his tractor driver's license will come through any day! He has recently started demanding that his mom call Grammy on the phone so he can chat. He is even starting to hold up his side of the conversation a little.
Finally, I will leave you with a shot of the first two sides of the house that are completely painted! I have the back long side finished with one coat and will work on getting totally finished over the weekend. Speaking of finishing - I guess I had better get out there and get to work!

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Yard Art or Lawn Tacky?
The refrigerator is a 1942 GE in wonderful shape and it actually cools! It will be moved up onto the deck once it gets checked out and will be used for beverages mostly. Quite handy for summer parties!
The trim painting is really beating me up! I have two sides done and one coat on the third. Tomorrow I will get the first coat on the fourth side & in the entry and then start with the second coat on that third side. I might even be done with the trim on Saturday if all goes well! Then I will need to touch up the green a bit. My next project will be cleaning paint off of windows and just cleaning all the windows, inside and out. - Lucky me!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Little Trim
I got started early yesterday so hubby could help me get the ladder set up over the bay window to primer some trim. I then went on to finish the first coat on two sides and start on the next one but my back and the rest of my body was complaining so I quit at about 1 pm - still about 5 hours! Today I should be able to get the second coat on the two sides and will try to do more first coat but bending backwards to get that under-the-eaves stuff is wearing! Along with setting up the ladder, climbing up, painting (in aforementioned position), climbing down, moving the ladder, repeat, repeat, repeat... Then, you can also throw in dropping the brush from 15-20 feet up a couple of times!
It is looking good though with the bright white instead of the dingy white with green oopsies! Maybe I will get a picture this afternoon of the part that is done.
I have been working hard on the SIL quilt hand quilting after I get cleaned up from painting so that is coming along - just two weeks left till it must be done though!
It is looking good though with the bright white instead of the dingy white with green oopsies! Maybe I will get a picture this afternoon of the part that is done.
I have been working hard on the SIL quilt hand quilting after I get cleaned up from painting so that is coming along - just two weeks left till it must be done though!
Monday, September 8, 2008
The green is done!
Well, at least until we find a little spot of yellow or white peeking through! Or there might be touch-ups after the trim is done. BUT, the major painting is all done and I just have the trim! That will commence tomorrow - today I feel like a movie and some popcorn!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
WooHoo! All green...
still needs a second coat on the stuff that just got green today but that isn't too much more! I also keep forgetting that I have to paint inside the entry way but the last of the siding is just going in there now so it will need two coats of primer on the new cedar and then two coats of paint on two walls. But from a distance - it looks good!
say goodbye to yellow

Only three weeks till my sister-in-law arrives and I have lots of quilting to do so that has to be my focus in the sewing department! Though I need to do the first border on a SFRR2 before the 21st! I went to the LQS yesterday and got some fabrics to use with it so now I just need to come up with an awesome idea for it. Usually the deciding part takes much longer than the actual cutting and sewing part!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Moving right along!
Yesterday I did the second coat on the section I painted on Wednesday and made it a little further with the first coat. Today I will move on with the first coat. I could have this side done this week but I am not counting on it. I think Larry will be taking down the gutters this weekend so I can paint where they were and next week we can have new ones put on. So the next time it rains we shouldn't hear the drip, drip, drip or the water falls that we have been hearing!
I have also made some progress on my CWC (Cathedral Window Charm) quilt. Now it is time to get to work on more of the blue squares. Amy is sending me a few yellow squares from her stash (around 200, I think!) for me to use if they will work and I will be picking some up from Kristy also. So a HUGE Thank You to both of them! I also need to go through my stash and see what is there. Luckily I only need 2" squares so my scrap bin should be a great resource!
Well, I guess it is time to get outside and paint! My old body will sure be glad when this marathon painting is done!

Well, I guess it is time to get outside and paint! My old body will sure be glad when this marathon painting is done!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Quilts and Paint
Tuesday after getting back home from our long weekend, I got laundry started, put things away, checked emails and blogs, even posted here. Then, around 7:30 I was sitting down to do some quilting in front of the TV and suddenly realized it was TUESDAY! CRAFT NIGHT! I almost missed it! Luckily, it occurs next door so I could get then in just a few minutes! I grabbed the Cathedral Window project and headed over. In the midst of chatting I did get several panes of yellow added. This past weekend has really messed with my sense of time!
Yesterday I got back to painting. 6 HOURS worth! I got a good start on the last side of the house and hope to second coat that and get a bit further with the first coat today. Tomorrow will be a short day because I will be heading into town at about 2 to help hubby install a glass cooktop on a customer's range. He doesn't get too many people who want the job done because the tops are expensive on their own - $200+ and it is a labor intensive job so that adds up to a new range for most people!
I have been working on my SIL quilt and finished off the triangles around the edges. Now I need to create the design for the rectangles - there are 80 of those. Then I will do the center squares of each block (20) and then just the border is left for sure, though if things go well I might add more hand quilting.
I have been working on my SIL quilt and finished off the triangles around the edges. Now I need to create the design for the rectangles - there are 80 of those. Then I will do the center squares of each block (20) and then just the border is left for sure, though if things go well I might add more hand quilting.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
And the winner is...
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